Donald Trump's proposal to exclude tips from federal taxes

Jun 21 / Gary Olding
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**WASHINGTON (AP) — Former President Donald Trump's proposal to exclude tips from federal taxes has received support from some Republican lawmakers, although there are still questions about its impact and implementation.

Overview of the Proposal and Its Implications...

Trump announced this plan at a June 9 rally in Nevada, a crucial state with a high number of tipped workers. Nevada has the highest concentration of waiters and waitresses in the country. Trump believes that eliminating taxes on tips will benefit these workers significantly and promised to enact this policy immediately if elected.

Political Reactions

The proposal highlights a clear divide between Republicans and Democrats. Trump suggests that cutting taxes on tips will help workers, whereas Democrats, who generally support increasing hourly wages, question the effectiveness of this approach. The Culinary Union, representing many tipped workers in Nevada, criticized Trump’s plan as a campaign tactic rather than a genuine solution. White House National Economic Council Director Lael Brainard emphasized that President Biden prefers raising the minimum wage for tipped workers, which would provide a significant income boost.

Details and Potential Challenges

Trump has not clarified whether his plan includes exempting tips from both income and payroll taxes, which fund Medicare and Social Security. Exempting tips could increase workers' take-home pay but might also lead to larger federal deficits. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates a revenue loss of $150 billion to $250 billion over the next decade if tips are exempted from both taxes.

Congressional Consideration

Congress would need to review Trump’s proposal, especially as parts of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are set to expire. Lawmakers like Rep. Vern Buchanan and Rep. Kevin Hern acknowledge the appeal of tax cuts but emphasize the need to consider the overall cost and funding.

Overview of the Proposal and Its Implications...

Trump announced this plan at a June 9 rally in Nevada, a crucial state with a high number of tipped workers. Nevada has the highest concentration of waiters and waitresses in the country. Trump believes that eliminating taxes on tips will benefit these workers significantly and promised to enact this policy immediately if elected.

Political Reactions

The proposal highlights a clear divide between Republicans and Democrats. Trump suggests that cutting taxes on tips will help workers, whereas Democrats, who generally support increasing hourly wages, question the effectiveness of this approach. The Culinary Union, representing many tipped workers in Nevada, criticized Trump’s plan as a campaign tactic rather than a genuine solution. White House National Economic Council Director Lael Brainard emphasized that President Biden prefers raising the minimum wage for tipped workers, which would provide a significant income boost.

Details and Potential Challenges

Trump has not clarified whether his plan includes exempting tips from both income and payroll taxes, which fund Medicare and Social Security. Exempting tips could increase workers' take-home pay but might also lead to larger federal deficits. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates a revenue loss of $150 billion to $250 billion over the next decade if tips are exempted from both taxes.

Congressional Consideration

Congress would need to review Trump’s proposal, especially as parts of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are set to expire. Lawmakers like Rep. Vern Buchanan and Rep. Kevin Hern acknowledge the appeal of tax cuts but emphasize the need to consider the overall cost and funding.

Potential Unintended Consequences

Experts, like Howard Gleckman from the Tax Policy Center, warn that the proposal could backfire. Customers might reduce their tips, and efforts to raise the minimum wage for tipped workers could lose momentum. Additionally, the fairness of exempting tips from taxes while other workers' earnings are taxed is questionable.

Democratic Response

Democrats, such as Sen. Debbie Stabenow and Sen. Ron Wyden, dismiss Trump’s proposal as a campaign gimmick and prefer policies that raise the minimum wage for all workers. Despite skepticism, Trump's proposal has gained traction among his supporters and some lawmakers, who have been promoting the idea on social media.

Looking Ahead

The future of Trump's tax-free tips proposal will be shaped by several factors. The upcoming elections will play a significant role in determining whether this idea gains legislative traction. Should Trump or his supporters gain significant influence in Congress, the proposal might advance further.

Republican Support and Public Campaigning

Trump’s tax promise has become a rallying cry, with prominent supporters and lawmakers using social media and public appearances to advocate for the plan. For example, Sen. Ron Johnson praised the proposal as smart and targeted tax reform, and other GOP members have shared photos of their restaurant receipts, highlighting the promise of no taxes on tips.

Economic Considerations

Economic analysts will continue to evaluate the potential impacts of the policy. The estimated loss in federal revenue and the possible reclassification of wages as tips by employers could lead to broader fiscal consequences. The debate will likely focus on balancing immediate financial relief for tipped workers with the long-term economic health of federal programs funded by payroll taxes.

Potential Legislative Process

If the proposal moves forward, it will undergo scrutiny in congressional committees, particularly the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee. Lawmakers will debate the specifics, including whether to exempt tips from income taxes, payroll taxes, or both. They will also consider potential amendments and funding mechanisms to offset revenue losses.

Public Opinion and Voter Response

Public opinion will be crucial. Workers who rely on tips might welcome the additional take-home pay, while others may be concerned about the broader economic implications. Voters' reactions to the competing approaches of tax cuts versus wage increases will influence the political landscape and the proposal’s viability.

Final Thoughts

The proposal to exempt tips from federal taxes represents a significant policy shift with wide-reaching implications. Its success will depend on a complex interplay of political support, economic analysis, and public opinion. As the debate unfolds, both proponents and opponents will continue to shape the narrative and influence the policy's future.
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