Raise the Bar: Bartender Tricks You Need to Know
Illinois BASSET

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Bartending isn't just about mixing drinks; it's an art form that combines flair, skill, and a dash of magic. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, mastering bartender tricks can elevate your game and make your customers' experience unforgettable. So, grab your shakers, roll up your sleeves, and let's dive into some fun and beneficial bartender tricks you need to know!

1. The Classic Cocktail Shuffle: Impress with Style
Benefit: Speeds up service and adds flair to your routine.
Mastering the classic cocktail shuffle not only makes you look like a pro but also helps you mix drinks efficiently. Practice your wrist action and effortlessly slide those shakers across the bar. It's not just about showmanship; it's about getting those drinks to your customers faster.

2. The Flaming Orange Twist: Light Up the Night
Benefit: Adds drama and flavor to your cocktails.
Nothing says "Wow!" quite like a flaming orange twist. It's not just for show; it infuses your cocktails with a subtle citrusy aroma and flavor. Use a long matchstick to ignite the orange peel's oils as you twist it over the drink. Just remember, safety first – always use extreme caution when playing with fire!

3. The Free Pour Mastery: Measure by Sight
Benefit: Speeds up service and reduces the need for jiggers.
Free pouring like a pro takes practice, but once you've got it down, you'll amaze your customers with your precision. Memorize the counts for different pours (e.g., 1 count = 1/4 oz), and soon you'll be pouring accurate shots without needing a jigger for every drink.

4. The Flair Bartending Flourish: Show Some Style
Benefit: Attracts attention and creates a memorable experience.
Flair bartending isn't just for Tom Cruise in "Cocktail." Add a little flair to your routine by learning some bottle flips, spins, and twirls. It's a crowd-pleaser and can turn an ordinary night at the bar into a memorable one.

5. The Customer Connection: Be the Life of the Party
Benefit: Creates loyal customers and increases tips.
Your bartending skills are essential, but so is your ability to connect with customers. Remember their names, ask about their day, and listen attentively. A friendly bartender can turn a regular patron into a lifelong friend.
Keep the customer safe...
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While dazzling your customers with tricks is fun, responsible service is paramount. Always be aware of your patrons' alcohol consumption, and never serve to someone who's had too much. Completing a BASSET (Beverage Alcohol Sellers and Servers Education and Training) course, like the one at IllinoisBASSET.com, can help you maintain a safe environment while still wowing your customers. Click here to get BASSET certified.
There you have it – some bartender tricks that add both fun and practicality to your craft. Keep practicing, keep innovating, and keep making those drinks and memories that your customers will cherish. Cheers to raising the bar in bartending!

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