The Gig Economy in the Hospitality Industry

Feb 25 / Jon Connolly
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The landscape of hospitality jobs in Illinois is undergoing a significant transformation with the rise of gig workers. As traditional employment models evolve, more individuals are turning to gig work as a means of earning income in the hospitality sector. This shift is not only altering the way people work but also reshaping the industry as a whole. In this article, we'll explore the various facets of this trend, including the types of websites offering gig work, the tax and responsibilities of gig workers, and the implications for the future of hospitality jobs in Illinois.

The Rise of Gig Workers

The Rise of Gig Workers:Gig workers, often referred to as independent contractors or freelancers, are individuals who work on a temporary or project basis, typically through online platforms or apps. In the hospitality industry, gig workers perform a wide range of tasks, including food delivery, event staffing, housekeeping, and more. This model offers flexibility and autonomy, allowing workers to choose when and where they work.

Types of Websites Offering Gig Work

Several websites and apps connect gig workers with hospitality opportunities in Illinois:

1. GigSmart:

  • Description: GigSmart is an online platform that connects businesses with hourly workers for various industries, including hospitality. It offers temporary staffing solutions for bars and restaurants, allowing workers to find shifts based on their availability.
  • Rating: 4 stars
  • Reason for Rating: GigSmart receives a high rating for its intuitive mobile app, quick turnaround time for gig postings, and transparent payment process. While it may not have the same level of brand recognition as some other platforms, it is known for its reliability and simplicity.
  • Website:
  • Statistics: Founded in 2018, GigSmart has quickly gained traction in the gig economy market and has a growing presence in Illinois, catering to the staffing needs of bars, restaurants, and other hospitality businesses.
  • Description: Wonolo is an online platform that offers on-demand staffing solutions for various industries, including hospitality. It allows businesses to post temporary job opportunities, and workers can apply for shifts based on their skills and availability.
  • Rating: 4.3 stars
  • Reason for Rating: Wonolo receives high ratings for its large and diverse pool of workers, transparent pricing structure, and efficient matching algorithm. While it may not be as specialized for the hospitality industry as some other platforms, it is known for its reliability and flexibility.
  • Website:
  • Statistics: Founded in 2013, Wonolo has grown rapidly and has a significant presence in Illinois. It has facilitated millions of shifts for businesses across different sectors, including bars, restaurants, and hospitality.

2. Industry:

  • Description: Industry is a platform specifically designed for the hospitality industry, connecting businesses with qualified workers for temporary and permanent positions. It offers a streamlined hiring process and provides tools for businesses to manage their staffing needs.
  • Rating: 4.7 stars
  • Reason for Rating: Industry stands out for its exclusive focus on the hospitality industry, comprehensive vetting process for workers, and personalized support for businesses. It is highly regarded for its reliability, efficiency, and industry expertise.
  • Website:
  • Statistics: Founded in 2017, Industry has quickly become a go-to platform for businesses in the hospitality sector. It has gained popularity for its user-friendly interface, robust features, and exceptional customer service.

3. Snagajob:

  • Description: Snagajob is a popular online platform that connects hourly workers with job opportunities across various industries, including hospitality. It offers a range of temporary and part-time positions, including roles in bars, restaurants, and hotels.
  • Rating: 4.4 stars
  • Reason for Rating: Snagajob receives high ratings for its extensive network of job listings, user-friendly interface, and personalized job recommendations. While it caters to multiple industries, it remains a popular choice for hospitality workers in Illinois.
  • Website:
  • Statistics: Snagajob has been operating since 2000 and has established itself as a leading platform for hourly work opportunities. It boasts millions of active job seekers and a strong presence in Illinois.

4. Wonshift:

  • Description: Wonshift is an online platform that specializes in providing temporary staffing solutions for the hospitality industry, including bars and restaurants. It connects businesses with pre-vetted workers for various roles, such as bartending, serving, and event staffing.
  • Rating: 4.3 stars
  • Reason for Rating: Wonshift earns high marks for its easy-to-use platform, efficient matching process, and reliable customer support. It is favored by businesses for its ability to quickly fill staffing gaps and by workers for its flexible scheduling options.
  • Website:
  • Statistics: Founded in 2019, Wonshift has gained popularity among businesses and workers in Illinois for its focus on the hospitality industry. It has facilitated thousands of successful placements and continues to expand its presence in the market.

5. Hirewire:

  • Description: Hirewire is an online platform that connects hospitality businesses with hourly workers for temporary shifts, including roles in bars, restaurants, and hotels. It offers features such as instant messaging and video interviews to streamline the hiring process.
  • Rating: 4.1 stars
  • Reason for Rating: Hirewire receives high ratings for its user-friendly interface, innovative features, and responsive customer support. While it may not be as widely known as some other platforms, it is recognized for its efficiency and reliability.
  • Website:
  • Statistics: Hirewire has been operating since 2014 and has steadily gained traction in the hospitality industry. It has attracted a growing number of businesses and workers in Illinois seeking temporary staffing solutions.

6. Staffy:

  • Description: Staffy is an online platform that connects businesses in the hospitality industry with qualified, on-demand staff for temporary shifts. It offers a seamless booking process and provides businesses with access to a pool of experienced professionals.
  • Rating: 4.3 stars
  • Reason for Rating: Staffy is valued for its efficient matching process, reliable professionals, and transparent pricing structure. It offers businesses the flexibility to quickly fill staffing gaps with skilled workers.
  • Website:
  • Statistics: Founded in 2015, Staffy has gained recognition for its effectiveness in providing temporary staffing solutions. While specific statistics may vary, its growing user base and positive feedback indicate its popularity in Illinois' hospitality industry.

7. Jobletics:

  • Description: Jobletics is a platform that connects hospitality businesses with on-demand workers for various roles, including bartending, serving, and event staffing. It offers businesses flexibility in staffing solutions and enables workers to find shifts based on their availability.
  • Rating: 4.2 stars
  • Reason for Rating: Jobletics is praised for its user-friendly platform, efficient gig matching process, and reliable customer support. It offers businesses and workers a convenient way to connect for temporary staffing needs.
  • Website:
  • Statistics: Founded in 2017, Jobletics has gained popularity in Illinois' hospitality sector. With its growing network of businesses and workers, it serves as a reliable platform for quick gig work opportunities.

8. Localwise:

  • Description: Localwise is an online platform connecting local businesses with job seekers in their community. While not exclusively focused on hospitality, it offers opportunities for quick gig work in bars, restaurants, and other hospitality establishments.
  • Rating: 4.1 stars
  • Reason for Rating: Localwise is valued for its focus on local communities, diverse job listings, and user-friendly interface. While catering to multiple industries, it provides opportunities for quick gig work in the hospitality sector.
  • Website:
  • Statistics: Founded in 2012, Localwise has become a trusted platform for local job opportunities. While its usage in the hospitality industry may vary, it offers a convenient way for businesses and workers to connect for temporary staffing needs.

9. Qwick:

  • Description: Qwick is an online platform that connects hospitality businesses with pre-screened, qualified professionals for on-demand shifts. It specializes in providing temporary staffing solutions for various roles within the hospitality sector, including bartending, serving, and event staffing.
  • Rating: 4.6 stars
  • Reason for Rating: Qwick is highly rated for its user-friendly platform, quick turnaround time for gig postings, and reliable customer support. It is praised for its efficiency in matching businesses with skilled professionals on short notice.
  • Website:
  • Statistics: Founded in 2018, Qwick has gained significant popularity in Illinois. With thousands of registered professionals and a growing list of clients, it has established itself as a leading platform for quick gig work in the hospitality industry.

10. BlueCrew:

Description: BlueCrew is an on-demand staffing platform that connects businesses with hourly workers for various industries, including hospitality. It offers flexible opportunities for workers to find shifts in bars, restaurants, and event venues.
Rating: 4.4 stars
Reason for Rating: BlueCrew receives high ratings for its easy-to-use mobile app, diverse range of job opportunities, and transparent payment process. While not exclusively focused on hospitality, it provides quick gig work options for workers in the industry.
Statistics: Operating since 2015, BlueCrew has gained traction in Illinois and other regions. With its growing user base and positive reviews, it serves as a reliable platform for businesses and workers seeking temporary staffing solutions.

Responsibilities of workers

Adherence to Employment Regulations:
Gig workers must familiarize themselves with employment regulations relevant to their work in the hospitality sector. While gig work offers flexibility, it's essential to understand rights regarding wages, breaks, and discrimination protections.

Professionalism and Reliability:
Gig workers represent themselves as well as the businesses they work for. Maintaining professionalism, reliability, and punctuality is crucial for building a positive reputation and securing future gig opportunities.

Communication and Collaboration:
Effective communication with gig platforms, businesses, and fellow workers is essential for successful gig work. Clear communication ensures tasks are completed satisfactorily and fosters a positive working relationship.

Skill Development and Adaptability:
To thrive in the gig economy, hospitality workers should continuously develop their skills and remain adaptable to changing demands. Upskilling in areas such as customer service, bartending techniques, or event management can enhance job opportunities.

Tax Implications for Gig Workers

Understanding Tax Classification:
Gig workers in the hospitality sector are typically classified as independent contractors. As independent contractors, gig workers are responsible for paying self-employment taxes, including Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Tracking Income and Expenses:
Gig workers should maintain accurate records of their income and expenses related to their gig work. This includes keeping track of earnings from different gigs, as well as any deductible expenses such as transportation costs or equipment purchases.

Estimated Quarterly Taxes:
Unlike traditional employees who have taxes withheld from their paychecks, gig workers are responsible for paying taxes on a quarterly basis. Calculating and paying estimated quarterly taxes help gig workers avoid underpayment penalties at tax time.

Deductions and Credits:
Gig workers may be eligible for various tax deductions and credits. Deductions can include expenses directly related to gig work, such as equipment purchases or marketing expenses. Additionally, gig workers may qualify for the Qualified Business Income Deduction (QBI) if they meet certain criteria.

Implications for the Future of Hospitality in Illinois

The gig economy has made a significant impact on various industries, including the vibrant hospitality sector in Illinois. As technology continues to reshape the way businesses operate and workers find employment, the implications of the gig economy for the future of hospitality in Illinois are profound and multifaceted.

Flexibility and Adaptability:

One of the primary implications of the gig economy for the future of hospitality in Illinois is the increased flexibility and adaptability it offers to both businesses and workers. Gig platforms enable businesses to quickly scale their workforce based on fluctuating demand, allowing them to efficiently manage staffing needs during peak periods or special events. For workers, the gig economy provides opportunities for flexible scheduling and supplemental income, attracting a diverse pool of talent to the hospitality industry.

Evolution of Workforce Dynamics:

The gig economy is reshaping traditional workforce dynamics in the hospitality sector. With the rise of gig platforms, businesses have access to a larger pool of on-demand workers with diverse skill sets and backgrounds. This shift towards a more flexible workforce model allows businesses to tap into specialized expertise for specific tasks, leading to increased efficiency and innovation within the industry. However, it also presents challenges in terms of workforce management and maintaining a cohesive team culture.

Enhanced Customer Experience:

The gig economy has the potential to enhance the customer experience in the hospitality sector. By leveraging gig workers for temporary shifts or specialized roles, businesses can ensure seamless service delivery during peak hours or busy periods. Additionally, gig workers often bring fresh perspectives and unique skill sets to their roles, enriching the overall customer experience and contributing to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Challenges in Worker Protections:

Despite the benefits it offers, the gig economy also poses challenges in terms of worker protections and rights. Gig workers in the hospitality sector may face issues such as inconsistent income, lack of access to benefits such as healthcare and retirement plans, and limited job security. Addressing these challenges will be crucial for ensuring the well-being and stability of gig workers in Illinois' hospitality industry.

Regulatory Considerations:

The gig economy has prompted discussions around regulatory frameworks and labor laws to address the unique needs and challenges of gig workers. In Illinois, policymakers are exploring ways to balance flexibility and protections for gig workers while ensuring fair labor practices and compliance with employment regulations. Finding the right balance between innovation and regulation will be essential for fostering a sustainable and equitable gig economy in the hospitality sector.


The gig economy presents both opportunities and challenges for the future of hospitality in Illinois. While it offers increased flexibility, efficiency, and innovation, it also raises questions around worker protections, regulatory frameworks, and workforce dynamics. By navigating these implications thoughtfully and collaboratively, stakeholders in the hospitality industry can harness the potential of the gig economy to drive growth, enhance the customer experience, and create a more resilient and inclusive workforce for the future.


In conclusion, the gig economy has brought about significant implications for the future of the hospitality sector in Illinois. As the gig economy continues to grow, it presents both opportunities and challenges for workers, businesses, and the industry as a whole.

On one hand, the gig economy offers flexibility and convenience for workers, allowing them to choose their schedules and explore various job opportunities within the hospitality sector. This flexibility has opened doors for individuals seeking supplementary income, students balancing work with studies, and those transitioning between jobs.

For businesses in the hospitality industry, the gig economy provides a solution to staffing challenges, particularly during peak seasons or for special events. Platforms connecting businesses with gig workers offer a cost-effective and efficient way to fill temporary staffing gaps, ensuring smooth operations and customer satisfaction.

However, the gig economy also poses challenges, particularly concerning worker rights, benefits, and job security. Gig workers in the hospitality sector often lack traditional employment benefits such as health insurance, paid leave, and retirement plans. Additionally, they may face uncertainties regarding income stability and job security due to the temporary nature of gig work.

Furthermore, the rise of the gig economy has prompted discussions about labor laws and regulations to ensure fair treatment and protection for gig workers. Policymakers, businesses, and advocacy groups are exploring ways to address these issues and create a more equitable and sustainable gig economy.

Looking ahead, it is essential to strike a balance between the flexibility and opportunities offered by the gig economy and the protection of worker rights and benefits. Collaborative efforts involving government, businesses, gig platforms, and workers themselves are crucial in shaping the future of the gig economy in the hospitality sector.

Ultimately, by addressing these implications thoughtfully and proactively, Illinois can harness the potential of the gig economy to drive innovation, growth, and inclusivity in the hospitality industry while ensuring the well-being and security of gig workers. Through collaboration and adaptation, Illinois can embrace the evolving landscape of work in the hospitality sector and pave the way for a more resilient and sustainable future.
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